ThermBright Targets at UK Sniper Day

Sniper day thermbright prtt thermal targets
Sniper day thermbright prtt thermal targets

ThermBright targets in use out on the COTEC training range on the edge of Salisbury Plain during the anual Sniper Day Symposium in 2020.

COTEC is a UK MOD facility on the edge of Salisbury Plain training area with the facility to fire any calibre of ammunition into the Artillery impact area. With ranges in excess of 4km available to shoot in and with no restriction on ammunition natures, it is a valuable showcase for the annual Sniper Symposium which was held this year in September 2020. The aim of the symposium was to examine the likely development of precision shooting capabilities over the next decade and to showcase the latest weapons, ammunition, sights and targets. ThermBright supplied all the thermal targetry including a number of PRTT (photo realistic thermal targets) targets to show off the thermal capabilities of sights and targets.


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